The only issue I did run into is that the GravoStyle software seems to require a serial port on the motherboard because I believe the values are hard coded, but I will try this again when I have time in order to get it working with a serial port on a PCI-E / PCI-x expansion card. I can verify that this works as I have already set up a new computer that didn't have an onboard LPT port and used the drivers above in order to get the GravoStyle software to detect the dongle. If you go to their website ( ) and download the "Sentinel Protection Installer", you will be able to run the dongle on newer computers using a PCI-E / PCI-x expansion card that provides LPT and serial ports. I have dug around and discovered that the dongle was made by a company called Rainbow originally, which was bought out by another company called Sentinel. It is not essential to have an old computer in order to pick up the dongle on the serial or parallel port. I can actually provide some more details regarding this.

Last edited by Kev Williams 02-28-2014 at 6:26 PM.
#Gravostyle 7 support how to
Hopefully SOON I can get Bruce (my rep) to fill me in on how to change the PP. So I have all these machines, and Win8 will run the IS 400, and MAYBE my IS7000. But Win8 refuses to load a generic text driver, nor will it load my ULS or L-solution laser drivers. The older versions of Gravostyle don't support the point-n-shoot function, but otherwise it will run the machine. Oddly enough, my Win8 computer loaded up the Gravostyle-7 version GT smartstream driver and runs my little IS400 PS just fine. Whether the machine will run or not may be a crap shoot, and why my post processor had to be changed so my IS7000 would run using my Win7 computer.

#Gravostyle 7 support install
If you have the GS software, browse the disk for GT Smartstream, and you should be able to install it. The Gravograph IS machines use a "GT Smartstream" driver, which is specific to Gravograph (I assume). If you have a free LPT port, Gravo should work fine with it as there's no special driver, just connect to the port, go to "add printer", choose the correct port, and when it ask which printer, choose "generic text driver":

A 3400 usually connects to an "EP Module", and the EP connects to the computer via a typical printer cable or a null-modem serial cable. And he's been out of town almost constantly since the new year started- The change has to do with Gravostyle, the machine and the computer all agreeing on the name/number of the port that's being used for communication. Alas, I haven't had the the time- or the need honestly- to figure out the post processor changes my rep added for me.